Is it incredibly nerdy that I'm a fan of routine and order?
I already know the answer to that question. Yes. Yes it is.
This morning, I got up out of bed, shuffled my way around the dark bedroom and into my workout clothes so I could head to the gym. This was part 1 of my morning routine.
Part 2 - come home from the gym, immediately go upstairs and shower. After showering, follow these steps precisely: towel off, moisturize face, moisturize legs and arms, put leave-in conditioner in hair, dry hair, apply deodorant, leave bathroom to go get dressed.
After getting dressed, I went downstairs for part 3. Breakfast. Every day it consists of me making egg whites and cereal (either oatmeal or special K - this is the only variation I tend to have in my morning), going downstairs to watch a little Breakfast Television while eating, going upstairs after eating, giving cat her treats, rinsing dishes, taking my multivitamin and going upstairs to brush teeth and apply makeup.
This is how I spend every single morning. I don't deviate. I don't change things up.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a little anal nerd that does everything in an OCD way (think: Tom Hanks in "Turner and Hooch"). I'm really not that person. But I absolutely love routine. I inexplicably adore routine.
I actually think I might be part humanoid. Following order every day - not mindlessly, but not straying from schedule either. This is what I do.
So does that make me a nerd?
I already know the answer to that question. Yes. Yes it does.
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