Tuesday, January 15, 2008

F#%$*&% censorship!

Most of the time I think about censoring my blogs because I know that certain people, like my Mom and my husband's parents, read it.

But when you really think about it, my blog is for me. And not writing whatever pops into my head at the moment sex no matter how rude or offensive or uncomfortable vagina it may be, is censorship. Which just isn't good for me.

So, from now on - I write without shame.

Get ready for blogs rampant with swear words and long ramblings about how drunk I got last weekend.

What a freeing sensation!

PS: Given the topic of this blog, I thought it appropriate to ask this question. Have you ever gone into a bathroom at work (like I just did), and been hit in the face by a horrid smell, but really had to pee, so you went in anyway... just hoping to get in and out as quickly as possible, only to find that as you're washing your hands, another person walks in and gets that same "oh my god - what died in here??" expression on their face that you had moments ago - and then glares at you as if you were the culprit??? I hate that.


  1. That stinky thing JUST happened to me in the bathroom. I think it was you.

  2. ...and you want to convince them that it wasn't you who made the horrible stink, but to do that would only make you look guiltier. The same thing has happened to me in an elevator that stunk of B.O.

  3. I fully agree with you regarding your comments on censorship. That said...you know my reasons for it.

    I'd also like to point out, however, that I have been a victim of invaded privacy. My mother is on my Facebook and my MSN. (To that end, she has started to "police" FB..and is routinely encouraging my other crazy family members to do the same...thankfully with few results!)

    You'd think it would be a simple matter of NOT adding her as a friend...or even of giving her limited access. Unfortunately my mom is computer savvy enough to know about such things...enough to make my life hell. :P

    Of course..when she is granted full access..she does nothing but complain about the "type of nonsense" that I post (whether it be in pictures or whatnot)....and how "these children" (re: my cousins and myself) give no consideration to the image we portray online.

    Add to that.. her brother (my uncle) is also on my MSN... (oh...it harkens back to the day when there was only one computer at my house).... He's even worse than she is in terms of this need to "police" the behaviour of everyone around him...and called me out on several occasions for being a bad influence on his daughters. (Presumably they have no minds of their own...) To counteract this, I blocked the entire lot of them...only to have worse complaints levied against me for that.

    So yes..I agree, censorship is a bitch... But some people have a stick up their ass...and I'm not quite sure which is worse to deal with. :P


  4. Very funny about the bathroom - been there myself and what do you say, perhaps "Not Me" might do. I agree this blog is for you and it is important to be yourself, that way your creative juices will flow, go for it Heather. I am one of your strong supporters in what is good for you. I had 2 sons and a husband, I've heard it all and still love them.

  5. Aaah... good old censorship.

    I got over that one by creating TWO blogs.

    One, that I swear prolificly, offer WAY too much information about, well, everything... and another (invite only) one that has photos of me, my husband and our lives here. I'm farrrr away from home, and it's good to have a way for my family to *see* what I'm up to. I keep the swearing down tho, and never mention anything that isn't G rated. It's boring as batsh!t but my family likes it.

    The other one? hehe. That's censored too, but only because I like my anonymity.

    I like this blog. I just found it. I will be back. (that wasn't supposed to sound like a threat, I'm a friendly girl, honest)
