Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mom sandwiches

Okay, so since I'm into the quotes... here's one I read this morning:

"Do not join encounter groups. If you enjoy being made to feel inadequate, call your mother." ~Liz Smith.

Apparently Liz has never met MY Mom. Momsie - as I like to call her - thinks the sun rises and sets out of my arse. She loves me and every little thing about me. Or, at least she makes me feel that way every single day.

My Mom once sent me an email that went like this:
"Hey Hez, just looking at your picture and it occurs to me that I have the most beautiful daughter in the whole world!" That's all she had to say. Yep. She's awesome.

I remember telling a co-worker once about an email my Mom sent me (similar to the one above) and my co-worker responded "Wow, your Mom says stuff like that to you??" She was genuinely surprised. And I was genuinely shocked that not ALL Moms were like mine. I thought everybody's Mom loved them unconditionally and made them feel like a million bucks just because they got up and got dressed that morning.

Here are some other things I absolutely love about Momsie:
-her hugs
-how incredibly happy she seems to be just to see me whenever we get together
-her sandwiches (nothing beats a Mom sandwich)
-the way she takes care of me when I'm sick (tea, toast and a blanket - and if I'm REALLY lucky, she'll run her fingers through my hair to soothe me... honestly, I revert back to a 6 year-old whenever she does this)
-how supportive she is and how she makes me feel like I can do absolutely anything in the world because I'm smart and strong and worthwhile.

I wish Liz could meet my Mom. And I wish every child could be raised by someone like her. Imagine if everyone was brought up with encouragement and support and self-esteem.

She gave me the one thing I wish for every human being to have in this world.

Love. (And a whole lot of it.)


  1. I wish people like your Mom made it on to the Dr. Phil house. It would restore my faith in humanity.

  2. mom does rule.. she is pretty awesome :)
