Calling all readers: I'm looking for a new book. Suggestions??
I've read 2 "fluff" books already this summer, so I've had my fill. Now, I'd like something that's a bit more serious... yet one that will still get your attention right away (the way fluff often can).
You know those books that you start - and you hate to put them down? I want one of those.
Oh, and on the topic of books... I had a mini-discussion with some people at work about our favourite kids books. This is a topic I could talk about for hours and hours.
I didn't just like reading as a kid, I absolutely loved it. And I have so many incredible memories of books. Books that take me back to when I was little. When the stories my Mom read to me would intrigue me, excite me and maybe even frighten me a little. Books that I couldn't wait to read over and over and over again.
I vividly remember a series of books my Mom and Dad bought me. I think the series was called "Serendipity". They were relatively short books with beautiful illustrations, all with a lesson to teach or a moral to the story - but told in an incredibly creative way. There was one book titled "Serendipity" about a little girl's imagination. It had princesses and unicorns and all the stuff that I just ate up as a kid. Just thinking about it now makes me happy.
And then there were books like the Ramona Quimby series; The Paperbag Princess; Hand, hand, finger, thumb; Where the sidewalk ends... I could seriously go on for hours.
I think a trip to Chapters is calling me. It might just be time to browse through the children's section (and through my childhood memories) again.
I think a trip to Chapters is calling me. It might just be time to browse through the children's section (and through my childhood memories) again.
I'm hearing that Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett is good.