Sunday, December 2, 2007


Normally I wait until the morning to write my blogs. That's when I find I'm the most creative. But today was such a good day - I couldn't wait to write.

Today I ran a 10k race. I've done it before, a few years back... but today was different. Today there was snow. A lot of snow. Which meant today there was tougher terrain. Which meant today there was a lot more determination on my part... just to make it through. And the best part: today there was my Mom.

We ran on ice, through slush, in wind, in snow - and it was hard. Very
hard. But when we crossed the finish line, our faces were red, we were sweaty and cold at the same time... but we were ecstatic. We've run further distances in practice, but there was something about reading our finish time, being together and having that sense of accomplishment forever.

So that was my day. It was pretty damn awesome.


  1. This is a memory I will cherish forever... crossing the finish line of such a challenging race with my most beautiful daughter! Thank you Heather for convincing me I could do it. You said it so eloquently for me in your blog...

  2. congrats hez and mom! you two are awesome! i wouldn't have had the strength to do what you did.. i'm so proud of the both of you! go ladies go! :)
